

Cupcake Contest time!

We have formed an alliance with The Food Market. We think they have a delicious market and are pleased to have fromed a sisterly bond with them! In order to celebrate our new member of the family we thought we would throw a little party....

A cupcake party!

The i heart market is hosting their 2nd charity fund raising CUPCAKE COMPETITION at The Food Market!

So get those aprons on and start creating the tastiest cupcakes ever!

There'll be loads of prizes, fun cupcake decorating for the kids and a cupcake auction at the end of the competition.

Dont miss out! Come and join us!

where: durban food market, hellenic centre, durban north

when: saturday, 29 may 2010

time: 10am til midday

how: to enter email

entrance: R50 - proceeds go to charity


  1. ooo sounds like a must visit - nice having Nadia posting on your blog, enjoying that

  2. Wish I could be there!!!! need 2 organise trip to dbn soon...
    suggest you ladies create a facebook page too ... it helps create awareness and easy to create events to invite/ inform people!!!
    Gena D
    Thinking Aloud


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